Sometimes real people like President Nixon or Elvis make appearances in comics and it's usually crucial to the plot and fairly obvious why these real people are inserted into fictional comic book stories. And then sometimes real people are inserted into comic books and it only serves to make us think we're on drugs. Case in point: UNDERDOG #9, November 1971.

Goofy Total Television cartoon characters freely intermingling with the realistically-drawn Harry Elson II. The authorities are powerless.

No Harry Elson II on this page, though we are treated to some embarrassing attempts at rhyming dialog. When the meter isn't coming out right, just add "hip hip hip!"

Implying a previous relationship with Harry Elson II, Underdog takes Harry's bad advice at face value! Never trust a realistically drawn child, that's what I always say.

His freakishly large head bobbling painfully, Harry Elson II battles crime the only way he knows how - using the bank's Floor Telephone! Since society has moved to cordless and cell phones, the number of bank robberies foiled in this manner has fallen dramatically.

Harry... you've already helped him. You don't need to keep reminding us.

And so Harry Elson II and Underdog's exciting 2-page adventure concludes, without ever giving us any clue as to who exactly Harry Elson II is! Was he the writer's son? A local television personality? The publisher's ne'er-do-well kid nephew? Somebody from the local bar they wanted to make fun of? Who knows. All we know is that nearly forty years later his peppy go get 'em spirit and never-say-die attitude and giant, freakish head confuse and delight us. Thank you, Harry Elson II!
(Yes, the real reason is that Harry Elson II won some kind of contest. Not that you'd know this from reading the comic, it's not mentioned anywhere.)