It's the 1940s, the world is at war, free men everywhere are laboring mightily to defend the free world, and the Golden Age of Comics is there, always pushing forward to expand the medium and investigate just how stupid comics can get. For instance, at this point comics are plagued by legions of costumed adventures, all given names by the simple expedient of matching a color with an object. Green Lanterns, Black Terrors, and Blue Bolts are everywhere, and today's example is no exception.

The Blue Beetle is one of those heroes, whimsically named after somebody lost a bet or had a drinking episode involving some leftover Prohibition-era home brew, designed to strike fear into the hearts of criminals who may be frightened of insects or specific colors. Here we see the Beetle flying through space, or maybe he's underwater, I guess he's underwater, there are little bubbles, zooming towards his next adventure, which as we'll see is most likely an experiment in minimalist storytelling designed to use the least amount of the writer's overtaxed brainpower while confusing and distracting America's children away from the harsh realities of the world war.

As we all know Dan Garrett is in England, and wait, we don't know this, just throw us in, comic book story, just assume we know who Dan Garrett is and why "Military Intelligence" would have a job for him that only the Blue Beetle could handle. The earlier Blue Beetle story in this issue had Blue Beetle in the US, not working for anybody but his own Blue Beetle self. So already we're hard at work with the confusion and the distraction.

Headed for a "reprisal camp?" Why not stop, listen for the screams, take off your clothes, change into the Blue Beetle outfit, and punch some... I guess those are Germans? Germans. I suppose the original panels our Blue Beetle artist was tracing from weren't very clear.

And here's our spy. Nice to meet you. Now wait here while Dan changes out of his Blue Beetle outfit. If you're keeping track, his wardrobe changes so far include changing into "old clothes", changing into Blue Beetle, and now changing back into another ensemble that includes the popular "newsboy cap."

No, wait, he's back into his Blue Beetle outfit. You can't punch Nazis if you aren't dressed correctly!

When you're up against those pesky wartime deadlines, cut corners by making one panel nothing but ink and sound effects. And the other panel? Swipe a pose from a more competent artist and fill in the rest of the panel with a crate and a foot. Now relax with a Chesterfield. You've earned it!

The Blue Beetle decides to not bother changing clothes any more as they head off in their stolen car towards the coast. Which is where they were originally, the coast. I think. This story is not very clear as to location. Actually this story isn't clear about a whole lot of things.

Thrill to the exciting adventures of the Blue Beetle as he... drives a car!

Finally Blue Beetle gets to anticipate punching some Nazis without the distraction of having to change clothes first.

Lumpy Nazis get punched and mutter "Himmel!" as World War Two reaches a thrilling climax.

Here's the Blue Beetle's back, here's a silhouette, here's the side of his head, here's an old lady on the beach who happens to have a boat they'll use to cross the Channel, how did Blue Beetle get to France in the first place, didn't he have a boat, they could have just used that boat to begin with, really, when you think about it, they didn't need the Blue Beetle here at all, what is the point of this story anyway, I'm confused. SUCCESS

Remember kids, when building your intelligence networks in occupied territories, make sure to give them shortwave radio transmitters or dead drops for letters to be mailed to neutral countries like Sweden or Portugal, so that their vital intelligence can make its way to you without having to send the Blue Beetle to France to change clothes and punch Nazis. If you DO have to send someone to France, tell him to bring a gun. That's what modern up-to-date war people are using to fight their wars, guns.
Also, buy all the war bonds and stamps you can. In fact, buy them instead of the next issue of Blue Beetle Comics! You probably already have the original comics the art was swiped from, anyways!
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