As long as we humans can remember, we humans have only been living on this here one singular world. However, only recently did it come to light that our ability to screw things up might be outstripping the Earth's ability to fix our screwups, and perhaps we should slow down or reverse that screwing-up process. How best to deliver this information to younger Earthlings who might not grasp charts and data and cold scientific facts?

Usually we'd say "comic books." However, this coloring book tells a narrative through the use of words and images, so for the purposes of Stupid Comics it fits into our category. Because, like the Barnitz Bank, "we really care." In fact, we care enough to advise any children reading this to disregard the scene shown here. As it turns out, geese do NOT like to cuddle.

Ecology is the general term "accepted as the movement for a cleaner environment", which is why they're offering to get those presses rolling and hand out unlimited supplies of these coloring books, printed on paper they aren't even recycling yet, to whoever asks. Because ecology.

Our ecological prediction concerning the relation between this little girl and this cat is that the girl is about to get scratched, because that cat does NOT look happy. Or like a cat, for that matter.

Not "who are you" or "where are our parents" or "shouldn't we be in school" but instantly questioning Mr. Smith on fundamental questions of cleanliness. These kids mean business!

Yes, just like an M&M candy, the Earth is surrounded by a hard candy shell of air, which will only melt in the mouth of some kind of immense Lovecraftian cosmic horror-beast, thankfully beyond the comprehension of our tiny human brains.

Mr. Smith doesn't really look like a guy that spends a lot of time reminiscing about the good old days of smelling soil, but I guess appearances can be decieving.

"Trees and flowers won't grow, fish will die, and taxidermied fawns, like this one I'm holding, will be harder to come by."

Yes people are working. But they AREN'T WORKING HARD ENOUGH, says Mr. Smith. I guess Mr. Smith is in fact the boss of everybody.

Merely disposing of trash properly seems like a no-brainer, but in 1972 this was revolutionary talk. I'm serious, back then people literally did litter everywhere, and it took a massive public information campaign to get people to use trash cans, of which this coloring book was just one part. Remember this the next time somebody starts gassing on about "the good old days," those people are probably litterbugs.

well, I was WONDERING when Mr. Smith was going to get around to calling out the people doing the real pollution - industry. You know, the people that set rivers on fire? Those guys.

You haven't LIVED until you've crop-dusted a suburb with your LearJet! YEEE-HAWWW!! SUCK IT, POORS!!!

State of the art 1972 computers are on the job of helping to reduce pollution. Can they complete this task AND invent Pong at the same time?

Notice how we're prioritizing "fun and games" over "fish and plants". Won't be a lot of fun and games when the phytoplankton die off and we lose fifty percent of our oxygen, let me tell you!

Stricter antipollution laws, more enforcement, bigger budgets? It's a good thing we have the Environmental Protection Agency, only recently established thanks to President Richard Nixon. "Thanks to President Richard Nixon." Now THERE'S a sentence that you don't see often.

We're unsure as to why a classroom setting requires Mr. Smith to be replaced by a feminine version. Maybe we have to save the Earth before we tackle inflexible gender roles? Is that what you're telling me, Ecology Coloring Book?

I have seen the "Ecology Flag" all my life and just now am learning that the Greek letter Theta symbolizes death. Maybe that's why Jane here is giving it the Hitler salute.

Will we once again be able to enjoy the aroma of the Earth? Can we make a commitment to stop the environmental destruction going on all around us? And can we come up with a snappier slogan than "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the pollution!" I don't think so! Now unfurl your death-symbol flag and let's march!
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