Are you fascinated by the wonders of the world around us? Do the amazing inventions and advancements of our modern civilization leave you in a stunned state of befuddlement and confusion? Then you need to sit down in a comfortable chair, ensure you've got good lighting, and find someone to explain the big words of this week's Stupid Comics to you in a calm, soothing voice.

Yes, it's Man-Made Magic when Sharon lets her kid brother scrawl all over this General Electric Adventures In Science giveaway comic with his brown crayon. I hope that's crayon. But now! Scientists have tapped the sun and flashed it thousands of miles in what this comic describes as an attempt to "shame the fabled magic of the Arabian Nights," a goal shared by electrical experimenters the world over. "To heck with you, Arabian Nights!" hollered Thomas Edison as he invented the light bulb. "Arabian Nights, eat my dust!" was what Guglielmo Marconi transmitted across the Atlantic. But how do we control this monstrous power? It ain't genies, Charlie!

In Ed Powers' laboratory, Ed pranks his kid brother once again, with a bicycle power experiment that says more about terribly inefficent 1950s light bulbs than it does about Johnny's cycling stamina. But Johnny's hit upon an important truth! Why kill yourself on the track team? Get an electric scooter already.

STOP JOHNNY! Don't touch that apparently dangerous thing Ed left lying around and didn't warn you about! Was Ed too late with his warning? Did Johnny already touch it? (look at his hand!)

A few more inches and Ed Powers would be looking for a replacement kid brother to endanger with deadly electric contrivances strewn about his house!

You see Johnny, man found out he gets MORE done if he uses LESS energy! It's all here in my book "Work Smarter, Not Harder," which I had somebody ghost-write for me.

Things sure were tough before we invented slavery. Then things were great! Unless you were a slave.

Here in this comic book we learn that elephants, though strong, are not part of nature. At least that's what it seems like he's saying?

Look, I get that this narrative needs to ballyhoo modern inventions and progress, but negging James Watt in the process? That's just tacky.

Johnny's all excited thinking about a million men. Cowboys, weightlifters, wrestlers, policemen, all men! All for Johnny. Wow!

Sure, Ed could simply show Johnny the generator they happen to be standing right next to, but this is Johnny we're talking about. Better start with the basics.

"Spinning thing go round and round"... is apparently too much for Johnny.

Oh, it's like the pinwheel that mesmerizes Johnny into a trance state whenever he sees one in the toy store. One time they closed up without seeing him and he was in there until midnight.

It's all about getting that energy to the shaft. That energy could come from anywhere. The shaft doesn't care! That shaft has had a lot to drink tonight! Maybe the shaft's a little... curious.

Ed's a genius at electricity, not at finance. He throws away LOTS of billion dollar secrets

You can do this magic trick myself! All you need is some wire, and a magnet, and who doesn't have a galvanometer or two lying around the house?

A big generator makes enough electricity to light up a great city. Not THIS city, however, this city's a hellhole

First Johnny had to learn about turbines, and then there was this thing with shafts and wire and magnets, and now you're trying to shove trillions of teeny tiny electrons into his skull? Lay off, man!

Of course, electrons are invisible. But if we COULD see them, they'd probably look like plump little space aliens.

Now get YOUR electrons moving, Johnny. It's time to go where the real electricity is happening - the suburbs!

It's an exciting field trip... to the power lines, down at the end of every neighborhood everywhere. Wow, thanks Ed.

Sure Johnny, the electric company spent millions and millions of dollars to build thousands of miles of power lines, and nobody ever stopped and said "gee, what'll happen when it rains?"

Freewheelin' Bob Dylan here is proud of his power lines and their protection against lightning! Sit quietly, maybe he'll sing about it.

I always thought a lineman, like, drove a truck or something? Do they have to live in a little house out by the power lines just in case anything went wrong? Do they have to deliver impromptu electrical engineering lectures to random passers-by? (please consider this while I go check if all my electrical appliances are grounded)

Then you're left with a lot of electricity all over the floor that you have to mop up. What a mess!

Every time you flip that switch, think about Old Crusty here, out in his shack in the barren wastelands, toiling away to make sure the power lines aren't melting in the rain, just so you can sit around on your lazy butt watching Gomer Pyle and eating microwaved Hot Pockets.

Johnny didn't know what a generator was and who had trouble visualizing one of the simplest engines known to man - but suddenly this same Johnny can rattle off the voltages of common household electrial appliances? Please, free General Electric educational comic, don't insult your readers.

Take this electric meter for example. It looks so simple, yet by measuring current and voltage at the same time, it's able to deliver stunningly large electric bills directly to your mailbox! Now TURN OFF THAT LIGHT when you leave the room.

Yes, I guess we all sort of take our modern electrical world for granted. But for the love of all that's holy, please keep me out of your thoughts when you "flip that switch." I beg you.
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