Sometimes you're shopping for comics in the bargain box and you come upon a yellowed, battered coverless comic from the 1940s and after reading for a few minutes you come to experience strange, vaguely hallucinogenic images that might be because standards were very different back then and deadlines were dangerously tight, but might also be because you've been inhaling black mould from the yellowed, battered pages and have really been hallucinating. Such is our featured comic below, which is presumably an issue of Jest, but we'll never really know because this comic has no cover and no indica, but it does have some terrifying imagery!

First up: The "KKK" you're sure to love, King Kole's Kourt!

Lifehack: If you are a ruler who is having a hard time ruling your country, dress up a couple of babies in graduation gowns and bash their heads together. It won't help but it'll feel good!

Riggin' Bill, the answer to the question, "What if Popeye had even fewer chromosomes?"

Next, Dollar Store Goofy runs into a cave filled with lions (??) to avoid his abusive robot boyfriend. Girlfriend? Robotfriend.

Then there's... whatever in the name of God this is.

Just putting in the whole thing because what the hell. I feel like there's some obscene subliminals hidden in these drawings but if I look at it for too long I enter a fugue state so I can't be 100% sure.

Next up, Winsor McCay's son Skip tries to turn one of his father's many creations into a grown-up adenture hero! While it certainly can't be as exciting as "Gertie the Terminator", it starts promising enough! An ogre, a girl... romance?

And here's not-so-little post-pubescent Nemo, who as you can see still favours monochromatic outfits with giant buttons, but is no longer slumbering as he springs into action to save the princess like a regular Mario!

Slightly Larger Nemo has traded in his four-poster bed for a futuristic aeroplane, from which he heroically parachutes directly onto his prey.

Yeah, I don't know either.

Private Chesler thought he was alone in the barracks but the fellas came back early!

Well, seeing as it's the 1940s, it's probably best to keep that to yourself.

You know? The racist one you dread seeing at Thanksgiving? Well he's got his own comic strip.
Some of these strips are just... odd. Not exactly stupid in the usual sense, just... really, really odd. Like, what are these strips about?

Oh, good, more insane-looking animal comics

now with extra added racism.

Let's wash the bad taste of that last panel away with this unhinged Louis Wain-esque art, shall we?
And finally, we leave you all with a salute to that unsung hero...
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