Today, comic book readers want multi-dimensional sagas starring a mix of rebooted legacy characters spanning six decades and eight different editorial regimes. At least, this is what gets published. Who knows if it gets read? In the 1940s, however, readers demanded a healthy mix of super-people, boy geniuses, ghosts, and wonder boys. And that's what they got!

I realize a lot of you guys are really desperate and horny, but telling your gal you've got a painful case of "Dick Cole Blue Bolts?" Not gonna work. Unless she's really into golden age comics. "A whole CASE of them?" she might say.

Time for another adventure of Dick Cole, Wonder Boy! He's the star of Farr School, home of innovative and forward-thinking advances in hazing. Also, it seems every once in a while one of the locals does a little murdering. Livens things up!

Everything is swell fun and games at this magical school, except for one instructor who sneers and curses at all the youthful joy that surrounds him. Yeah, I know what you're saying, you're saying he's like Snape from "Harry Potter." What we're saying is, that we're begging you, to please read another book. ANY other book.

TEACH every one of them. Your job is to TEACH. Maybe if you hate kids so much you should find another line of work?

Well, I'd be gloomy too if I was in hock to violent criminals. Violent, unannounced houseguest criminals.

Not to be confused with "The Twisted Brain Of Professor GUMBY", one of Art Clokey's last films.

The hardest part of this Haunted Road walk is pretending to be frightened by a bunch of military school cadets hiding behind trees going "Whooooo! I'm a ghost!"

"Yeah, give me 20 feet of rope, and a pulley, and that glow in the dark Harvey Tudor mask. That'll be all. Nope, no particular reason, just stocking up for the winter."

Sure, whoever rigged up this prank without your knowledge is probably holding Jenkins against his will all night long in a crumbling old mill. However, you wouldn't want to butt in, you don't want to interrupt this fragile, generation-traumatizing cycle of abuse and violence, now would you?

With all his cunning, Grumby has overlooked one detail - that if he ruins the name of Farr, he'll be ruining himself right out of a job. That ransom money isn't going to last forever!

Good on Laura for not assuming this was some kind of freaky role-play situation.

FINALLY, Grumby's getting back to TEACHING.

Just think, if you were lucky enough to go to military school, you could be standing in full dress uniform with that chin strap up under your nose every morning at the crack o'dawn, just like these fine fellows! Gosh, if only.

What a nice, polite ransom note. And such lovely penmanship! Personally, I would be sending the ransom demand to the kid's father, and not his school administration, but who knows. Maybe this is just good kidnapping etiquette.

I'm also curious as to why nobody's contacted the police yet, but I guess they do things different at these top military academies.

Great hiding spot, Grumby. They'll never think to look for the missing girl in the cellar of the house next door, which is occupied by the bitter, grudge-filled, child-hating professor who's been absent from classes all day

Perhaps if Farr Academy kept their students in class and didn't allow cadets to just wander the streets like common folk, there'd be fewer kidnappings. I'm just saying.

We snatch dis kid, see, den we take him back to da hideout where he's gotta come across wit' some of dat book-learnin' so's we get to talkin' real fancy-like, natch. Savvy?

It's a tribute to Farr's forward-thinking educational techniques that two of their students can see some men get into a car and immediately think "kidnappers." Look out, all you people getting into cars!

I saw Jackie Chan do this in a movie once. Are there going to be hilarious bloopers at the end of this comic where we get to see all the times Dick Cole didn't get his timing right?

I have doubts that the best way to rescue a kidnapped, unconscious student is to crash the car he's in directly into the side of a truck, but then again I am not Dick Cole, Wonder Boy

Just a normal day of crashing and yelling and running and yelling and yelling.

THIS is for kidnapping Laura and Jenkins! Well THIS is for wrecking my car! Well THIS is for telling me it was all somebody else's fault! Sure, I'll buy that. Legs, do your stuff, which is to run real fast away from the car where the unconscious, probably critically injured Farr student has been completely forgotten about.

Editor's note: whenever Dick Cole is not shown, characters should be asking about Dick Cole

Really, this is all the fault of the Farr cadets for setting his anger afire with their fun and laughter. Who can blame him?

Looking in the broom closet, under the sink, in the shoe cubby, everywhere except.. that's it! The cellar! Sharp as a tack, that Dick Cole.

Get the drop on wonder boy intruders in YOUR home by hollering AN INTRUDER, EH?

Hence the origin of the phrase "loose bricks break faces"

Look Jenkins, there's a time and place for your tedious explanations. Right now we're in the middle of wrapping up this story!

When they got rid of streetcars, did they ever think they were removing one of America's most cherished and time-honored methods of suicide? That's progress, I suppose

Might not the best time for Dick Cole and the trolley driver to be arguing with each other about what they should or shouldn't be looking at.

Yessir, it's a swell ending as everyone agrees Dick Cole and Simba and the Major and Laura are all swell. Also swelling up - the mangled corpse of Professor Grumby. Don't be a Grumby, kids - stay away from sports gambling! And military school!
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