Return with us now to a time when lawless criminals roamed the land assaulting at will, and the average citizen was powerless. Our only hope? Vigilante gangs of clean-cut teenage hot rod and racing car enthusiasts using their auto customizing and racing skills to make America's roads safe again. Gosh, what a thrilling and almost believable time that was!

Death rides the roads in this issue of "Hot Rods & Racing Cars," mostly because Clint Curtis here doesn't have a roll bar or air bags or seat belts. If that's not riding with death I don't know what is!

Bruised by a radioactive hubcab as a child, Clint Curtis now has the amazing ability to instantly recognize the registration and ownership of each car in his immediate vicinity.

Driving wildly and lovingly, Mel Somers and "Jimmy-Boy" cackle over committing grand theft auto in furtherance of their ultimate goal of minor cosmetic damage. Use a hammer instead, Mel, and it won't be a felony rap

These two and their automotive terror spree! Ruining the school principal's tasty baked treat AND smashing his car! Monsters.

You know you're reading a comic book when a minor fender-bender results in a thorough police investigation involving a plainclothes detective. Maybe it's just a slow crime day.

Cigarettes all over the car and burned upholstery doesn't necessarily mean this car was stolen for a joyride. It might just be owned by a slob?

"I remember the Chief saying something about how we aren't supposed to comment on ongoing investigations, but you're Clint Curtis, so I guess it's OK!" Note here how Clint's expressive face runs the gamut of emotions all the way from A to almost B.

Jimmy Boy is NOT a board-certified doctor of internal medicine and therefore any opinions he may have about Clint's organs are merely the possibly confused views of a nonprofessonal layman.

All the pieces are coming together as Clint Curtis finds more reasons to make these two the stars of his paranoid persecution fantasy. Not much else to do in these small towns, I guess. Our exciting story will continue after this message!

Charlton Comics give you more! More action! More excitement! More child endangerment in the service of public service announcements!

I'll say this for their ham-fisted attempt at auto-maintenance education, at least with this accident nobody's blaming the pedestrian.

So yeah, get your brakes checked! Either take it to a reputable garage where you can enjoy some free brochures while they work on your car, or drive it over to Cletus's front yard where he'll get around to it once he's put that engine back into the '48 Ford pickup. Either way, don't drive a car with imperfect brakes. This has been a public service announcement.

As leader of the local "good" car gang, Clint Curtis has a responsibility to use his uniformed vigilante force only for good. Remember to wear your tie to the car club meeting, as shown in the second panel! Good grooming is ESSENTIAL.

In contrast with Somers and Ordway, Clint here, parking at night with his girlfriend, is spacing his depredations about twenty minutes apart. Sooner if she stops playing "hard to get." I know what you teenagers are like!

The calm, unworried expression of the Charlton hero, letting nothing shatter that emotionless mask, even after having scientifically calculated the periodicity of two thugs and their car assaults.

Look, I know you moved away from the crime-ridden big city to a nice small town where everybody knows everybody and you don't have to lock your front door. But leaving your keys in your car? That's just asking for trouble.

Pages into this Ride With Death and we finally approach something resembling potentially harmful events as Clint, in a desperate attempt to stop this series of auto rammings, prepares to... do some auto ramming. Gotta fight fire with fire I guess

Sure, run him off the road. What's the worst that could happen in one of these enormous mid-century death traps. Fire? Shattered non-safety glass? Thrown from vehicle and crushed? Impaled on steering column? It's all worth it if we save even one more car from a crumpled side panel.

Let me get this straight, the heroes here are a uniformed gang of police-authorized vigilantes taking the law into their own hands to satisfy their own personal need for vengeance. Swell.

It's all smiles as once again societal norms are reinforced through the use of quasi-military mechanized assault squads. Drive sensibly - or the next target of the Road Knights might be you!
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