DINGDINGDINGDING school bells are ringing, and now it's time for Professor Stupid Comics to lay down some learnin' in the most efficient teaching method known to mankind-- Editors' notes inside really boring science fiction comics of the 1950s and 60s!

First, for the simpletons in our class, we'll start with a reductive and also not really correct definition for the common word "mutant".

And remember, these are important science lessons, and definitely not Gardner Fox or whoever feverishly shuffling through a dog-eared copy of "The Child's World of Wonders Discovers: Outer Space Facts"
Also, Phobos is more like 14 miles in diameter. How am I supposed to suspend my disbelief in what is otherwise a realistic and convincing story of space travel?

The funny thing is they are apparently right about the polar caps of Mars, but extremely not right about what that much dry ice would do when humans are engulfed in it.

Oh, your body will stop radiating heat, all right. Most corpses do. Well, I'm sure their little space suits will help.

Yes, "jet stream" seems pretty self-explanatory, but he paid good money for that childrens' science encyclopedia and he's gonna make sure it earns its keep!

So it's 24, right? 24 is the highest number.

C'mon man put down the encyclopedia, you could've just said "power".

Sounds like someone just found out about aerosol spray.

This wasn't a commonly-used word in English until the 1982 movie Poltergeist so I guess it's good to teach kids a new word but I mean he could've just said "ghost".

W-why neutrinos were discovered in 1956, and this comic is from 1952! What witchcraft is this???
Just kidding this comic is from 1957 but you really thought you were in a STRANGE ADVENTURE for a second, huh? Huh???

That's nothing, my mass multiplies bigger than that every time I have a donut for dessert! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough*


OK, now they're just messing with me. But I look forward to this episode of "Law and Order: Gorilla Division"
Sometimes they like to just mess with the kids, so they'll throw in "editors notes" that are complete fiction but presented in the same manner as the "real" ones, resulting in 4th graders desperate to look smart by showing off all the facts they know but instead looking delusional:

"Speranta", a fake universal language, not to be confused with Esperanto, a real but also somehow fake universal language.

OK, now this is just lazy expository writing.

Also known as the ASMR planet.

Some men are on a race against tang, some men are always running towards it.
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