It's vacation time somewhere, and who is better to spend your vacation with than our old friend Bugs Bunny? The interesting... okay, "interesting" thing about Bugs is that when he takes a trip, he likes to marginalize groups that are all ready oppressed, much like he's forcing Sylvester to ride several feet away from the rest of the group when they go motorboating! At least Tweety's showing some solidarity with his best frenemy by flying next to him.

But what I'm really talking about is their sensitive and well-researched portrayal of indigenous people, such as this extremely accurate representative of an Bolivian... I mean Navajo... uh, Alaskan?
You can't blame the chief for getting mad, though, a rabbit on an Alaskan totem pole is supposed to look like this:


off topic but Bugs' uncle is halfway to being a Chungus

Anyway... in another story, Petunia Pig hangs out with another bowler-wearing Native American who is weirdly named "Injun Joe", but is notably not the terrifying villain of Tom Sawyer fame. I'm more concerned with whoever tf Petunia's friend "Patty" is, frankly, but if she and Porky want to take separate vacations who's to judge?

Here Porky is, taking his vacation with Elmer Fudd as they take a round-the-world trip together-- makes you wonder, why didn't these two dynamic powerhouses get put together in their animated incarnations? And possibly related, why doesn't Porky stutter in the comics?

In any case, Porky and Elmer encounter a strange tribe of Generic Cartoon White Guys in their travels, and any guess you can make as to what culture this is supposed to represent is as good as mine. The costume kind of looks like Ancient Greece?

But they have a rajah and it looks like everyone else wears turbans? Sort of? Well, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, the bad guys in the story look like Romani and talk in a weird alien language!

Anyway, let's take a brief break from the problematic and baffling stories and play a little game...

...oops. Yikes!

Er, moving on, here's something... else? A cute little Mexican boy and his papacito, who is a "bool fighter". His papa is very lazy! Ha, ha!

Jesus, even the colorist has it out for Mexicans.

In this comic, even the marginalized group known as "Karens" get the business, in the form of Sniffles the Mouse's friend Mary Jane, who shrinks herself down to insect size so she can demand to speak to the insects' manager.
Sadly, despite her name, Mary Jane only grows flowers in her garden.

Moving on, let's see what devastating effects climate change is having on Daffy Duck and his friends! How could this lead to anything problematic?

Why, by meeting an Inuit at the North Pole, famously populated by no one (EXCEPT YOU SANTA).

Daffy, you're a duck. You can just fly away.

Daffy. You are a duck. You can just fly away.


Sheesh! Stupid duck.

Anyway! To conclude, Elmer goes on another vacation with Yosemite Sam, who represents the cruel stereotype of short, possibly Jewish cowboys who are also pirates. OOOHHHHHH

And that's Bugs Bunny's summer vacation! Happy travels, Doc!
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