Hey, remember when everybody was talking about that British TV show about the big estate and the drama of the upper-class swells and the back-of-house servants as they all navigated the tumultuous early 20th century? Well, like everything else, comics did it first. Did they do it best? Here's a hint; this feature isn't called "Best Comics."

Yes, it's the good old days, when you put on a frilly apron and worked eighteen hour days at low wages so a crowd of chinless wonders could squander their inherited wealth with expensive frivolities. Feeling tired or sick? Lazy, is what your supervisor calls it! Now get back to work.

"It's an ankh, the Egyptian sign for everlasting life. My uncle gave it to me. He figured it didn't work so well for the corpse he took it off of."
Oh, too dark? Guess what else is too dark? Empires, mostly.

Well, time to get this servant drama started. That tray of dishware isn't going to break itself, you know!

Obviously Molly is unfamiliar with Stanton Hall and how it's haunted by the ghost of Angela Lansbury. Don't worry, Molly. She just wants to solve some murders.

Sentenced to the cloakroom, Molly will miss all the excitement of... seeing other people having fun. Oh no.

Management styles vary from manager to manager and from workplace to workplace. Acceptable motivation tools in one environment may be completely inappropriate elsewhere. And then there's Mr. Pickering, who should try this nonsense with some steelworkers sometime, see how he likes waking up in an ore cart after being pummelled within an inch of his life.

Does Molly have a respiratory illness, or is she koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs? Pick a crisis, already!

Yes, ghosts frequently return from the mysterious Great Beyond in order to deliver art history lectures.

Charlie here takes time out from Calling For Phillip Morris (look it up kids) to remind Molly to keep her ghost-related hallucinations under wraps. One thing at a time - concentrate on your career. Or maybe your painful, hacking cough?

Places everyone, the first guests will be arriving soon, to get a good face-full of whatever deadly disease Molly is spreading.

Why is it that a hundred years later, we still know about The Charleston, while the "Black Bottom" has fallen completely out of public awareness? Do we no longer care about mooching to the left and then mooching to the right?

Someday soon dry cleaning will be invented. Until then, all they can do is sponge champagne and swap dresses. On second thought, dry cleaning can wait!

Wondering if these characters were actually British? That "Tootle Pip!" should make it pretty clear.

The dress is part of it, but the full "flapper" look really needs that skinny headband.

That's the magic of the Charleston, even servant girls disguised as flappers and men with larger-than-normal skulls can 23-skidoo it all night long!

I think it speaks to the general dancing ability of this crowd when a clearly ailing servant girl can blunder her way into their contest and take first place.

Well, looks like Molly's done got the TB blues. I don't give much for her chances. Or for the rest of you, for that matter. She's been coughing in all your faces for how long now?

"Wha, that ghost, it's wearing my ankh, it's.. that ghost stole my ankh? No, it's me! That means I'm not going to die of TB! At least, not for a while!"

This way ladies and gentlemen, I'm Molly, your official guide. I spent my youth waiting on people here, and that's how I'm going to spend my retirement. And after I die, my spirit will be roaming these halls for all eternity. Apparently I did something really awful at some point? Who can say. And no, I can't get you any MDMA.
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