Sure, it might be cold and wintry where some of us are. But for those south of the equator it's beach weather! And that's just where some of today's funny animal characters are from, and that's what those lucky antipodeans are doing right now, they're beaching it today!

So sit right back and enjoy this tale of Kangy Kangaroo and Willy Wombat and Danny Dingo and Kokey Koala and their beach picnic lunch, which is kept in Kangy Kangaroo's warm, mucus-laden pouch. Mmm-mmm.

That pep-filled Danny has broken the ironclad rule of swimming in the 1950s, which is that drowning is *only* allowed for those who have eaten and then not waited an hour.

It's our animal friends to the rescue as they leap into the waves to save their pal without anyone even stopping to ask if kangaroos or wombats or koalas can even swim. Koalas barely leave their trees, let alone go swimming!

Why Danny wasn't drowning at all, it was all a prank, he can swim better than the rest of them. Which is, again, considering kangaroos and wombats and koalas, probably a reasonable assessment.

"I said I wanted a HAM sandwich, not a CLAM sandwich!" Willy screamed over the sound of what would either require expensive dental work, or the expensive repair thereof.

Take it easy Willy. Let's try to hold our tempers and have fun. "Fun" being defined here as putting up with that one obnoxious person everybody dislikes yet nobody is willing to take steps to rein in. Fun!

All right Kokey, now this one... whatever happens, don't tell me you didn't know something was up with this.

Kokey, Kokey, Kokey. Maybe this will teach you to stick to beverages produced by your namesake bottling corporation!

Let's not spoil our day by wrangling among ourselves. Instead let's spoil our day by letting Danny screw with us all the time? Is that what you mean to say, you eucalyptus-gorged enabler?!

"No hard feelings, my ass" thought Kanga as the horrifying, razor-sharp claws slashed and tore her abdomen. Yes it's a her, only female kangaroos have pouches!

I'm beginning to see that Kokey's main characteristic is a profound inability to accept reality.

FINALLY the swimming-after-eating-cramp and... wait, it's a fake. Damn, Daniel!
Honestly, at this point if they're going to keep putting up with him, these dopes deserve whatever they get.

Aw gee Kokey, Danny was just trying to have some fun, by ruining everybody else's fun!

Come on fellas let's go down the beach a ways and sit down and I'll read to you from my storybook, this story is called "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." No, keep listening to me read, pay no attention to Danny, he's just pulling another one of his pranks again.

Oh. Oh that's a real shark. I guess nobody heard the shark warning siren, which is a real thing they have on some beaches, I dunno man, it's an ocean, gonna be sharks in there, you wanna go surfing you're gonna have to roll them dice, that's how I see it

Hey, did I mention that Kokey Koala has a magic button which gives him miraculous strength and powers? That might have been an important bit of information to have in place at the start of the story. Sorry.

Hey 1950s kids, just let this image roll around your brain for a while. Have fun getting to sleep tonight!

But with the magic powers of the magic koala button, Daniel is released from the lion's den - I mean, the shark's mouth, with the promise of no more pranks or goofs or japes or any shenanigans whatsoever. And he means it! Unless he's pranking.
Hey, that story was kind of short. I'm sure we have one more bit of something to share, don't we?

Just a simple reminder that the Irish are belligerent troublemakers, and (sound of being head-butted by belligerent Irish pixie)
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