Here's the deal. Rich people, they aren't like you and me. They got rich by relentless business activity and financial genuius, and they can't just turn that driving energy off when it's quitting time. Because it's never quitting time. That kind of focus is what made them ultra wealthy! Or sometimes, they just inherited a big 'ol pile of cash from mom and dad, and all that relentless driving activity has to be funnelled into throwing that money towards whatever obsession they're currently in the grip of. Like Mayda Munny and her obsession with Richie Rich! Or maybe like us and our obsession with Mayda Munny's obsession with Richie Rich, I guess. Minus the unimaginable wealth, of course.

Years of urban disinvestment have left many of America's inner-city neighborhoods devastated and struggling. However, where some see urban blight, others see opportunity. The crucial role underground geniuses play in reviving our cities cannot be understressed!

You gotta admit Mayda, you walked right into that dad joke.

One wonders where the non-purse-carrying Mayda keeps these enormous wads of cash. Maybe there's a secret pocket somewhere in the enormous flared bell-bottoms of that pants suit?

And if there's one thing an enormous pile of cash can purchase, it's a meaningless stream of impressive-sounding technobabble buzzwords. Just ask any Silicon Valley venture capitalist!
But let's pause for a minute and listen to the concerns of one of the many readers of Richie Rich comics.

Why isn't Mrs. Rich in more Richie Rich comics stories? Well, many reasons. But we know there are some out there who'd love to see more wealthy moms in their Richie Rich stories, so this next panel is for you!

Yes, it's Mrs. Munny, in one of her rare appearances before she rushes off to do whatever it is she does that prevents her from being a better parent. Happy now, you weirdos?

I imagine there are a lot of balding middle-aged creeps that would pay plenty for a device that made teenage girls fall in love with them, but hopefully those creeps are all in jail.

Sure, eventually we realized that second panel is Mayda kicking over trash cans, but at first glance it sure looked like she's celebrating cowboy-style by blasting her six-guns in the air. Bam! Bam! Bam! Yee-haw!

Keep smiling, Reggie. Adjust that ascot some more, raise those eyebrows a little higher. Your time is coming.

Oh nothing, just a grown adult hollering OOH LA LA and assaulting an underage girl. This is a Code-approved comic??

Richie Rich is all "what's going on?" while Dollar immediately grasps the entire situation and takes action to use it towards his own benefit. Not looking good here, Richie.

A repellent billionaire fascinated by a new gadget he can use to force others to his will? It's as if this comic book is predicting the future we now suffer through - except Reggie is better looking than most of today's repellent billionaires!

TEENS! Don't let that prom date slip away - nail them down with a legally binding contract! It'll ensure you won't be going stag - and it'll confuse the living hell out of an already confused Richie Rich!

Who exactly is Richie excusing himself to? Dollar? The readers? The concussion he's seemingly been suffering from this entire story?

And it's contracturally-obligated dance-card enforcement for our unhappy couple as Mayda learns contracts signed under the influence of "love rays" are still legally binding, and Richie Rich finds himself in a location where, finally, his ridiculous bow tie is, for once, not out of place. Have fun kids! But hey, let's check in one more time with Richie Rich readers and find out what they think of that Mayda/Reggie power couple.

"You see, they both enjoy consumating the physical act of love with their financial wealth, that is to say, groping giant sacks of cash." And with this image we take our leave of these two and their twisted pre-teen or tween or however old they're supposed to be desires. So long, Hasty!
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