Hey, it's a leap year this year! Traditionally that means instead of boys chasing girls, girls are allowed to chase boys! And by "traditionally" I mean back in Leave It To Beaver times, back when today's comic was originally published, back when the great mating game was played with a bit more decorum and a lot less latitude on the part of the girls. Or were the ladies truly woefully outgunned in their struggles for romance? Let's find out!

You see, there are time when vinegar beats honey. And then there are times when you just grab that butterfly net and land you a man as if he was some sort of insect! Which, let's face it, he may very well be.

Rosa Harvey thinks she has a problem about about a man. Actually her problem is that she's been stuck on one person who hasn't had the time of day for her since she was six years old, and that right there isn't a man problem, it's a Rosa problem.

He ain't even gonna dance with the one what brung him! Why, that boy is plumb touched in the head.

Rosa's got someone special in mind for this dress! You can find a picture of Special Guy in the IMDB next to the listing for the film "He's Not That Into You."

What IS it about this Andy that compels Rosa to keep uselessly throwing herself at him? His family has money? Is that it?

Andy is still around after all these years, he hasn't died or anything, so obviously he must have SOME feelings for Rosa. That is the only logical reason for his continued existence.

"Dr. Loring, you're a top scientician with a reputation for expertocity, surely you must have some sort of "love ray" I can blast him with that will make him fall in love with me? No? That was last week? Darn."

Slug ANDY in the jaw? ANDY is the one getting punished here, not his obsessed stalker who hasn't been taking "no" for an answer for fourteen years? This is somehow ANDY's fault?

Why in all her life she's never been so insulted by hearing such outrageous advice in all her life. On the other hand, she's tried bribery, why not try a little violence?

Want to fix that obsession? The solution is "obsess harder than you've ever obsessed before!" And what will help? Live theater, that's what.

Andy enjoys the play, and that enjoyment will, by a complex series of osmosis, be transferred to Rosa. Except when he's tired. Then it's see ya later!

Look at it this way, if he shovels food into his maw like this all the time, chances are he'll choke to death. Then she'll be free. Free!

Work hard all night to pleasure a man and what does he do? He falls asleep. Am I right, ladies?

Does she really think a watch is going to succeed where a play and a home cooked meal and all the other fourteen years of slavish love-bombing have failed? Nobody makes a watch THAT good.

FINALLY she snaps and takes Dr. Loring's advice. Thank you, we'll bill your insurance company.

One sock on the jaw, and finally Andy realizes maybe this dame he's been freeloading off of for a decade and a half might actually... be into him?

Wow! Way to dox Rosa, comic book! On the other hand... Yonkers? Yeesh.

And now - the Stalk-er has become the Stalk-ed!

One little punch and suddenly he's all "I deserved it" and "I had it comin" and "I, uh, walked into a door."

That's right girls, open up a can of whup-ass on that recalcitrant beau and he'll suddenly see how amazing and beautiful and wonderful you are. If he knows what's good for him, that is.

He takes a punch okay - but how does he kiss? Rosa's gonna find out before she makes things official.

Enter this on Miss Harney's record - "Sometimes vinegar beats honey, sometimes a little assault makes everything turn out OK, and did you know love counselors keep permanent records on all the weirdos and nuts that come through their office with their kooky problems? Because they do." And to all you frustrated ladies out there - keep slugging!
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