Experts all agree - we're all living here on Planet Earth! There's simply no doubt about it. And just like skateboards, video games, trampolines, and other fun things, we have to share the Earth not only with our brothers and sisters, but with all the animals and plants and bacteria and rocks and gases that are also stuck here. And that's what this is all about.

Sharing The Earth: An Ecology Story. Part One: Finding My Car Keys

What kind of living things have we found here? A duck, two frogs, a nerd, a jock, a snob, and two teacher's pets! Binoculars? Kind of overprepared, aren't you, Ted?

Nothing could be more interesting than a community of living things based around liquids, bound together by their need for dark, hidden places. But let's quit discussing our favorite dive bars and get back to this boring old pond here.

Bobby smiles as he thinks of the devastation his evil "soil erosion" masterplan will wreak on fish and ducks. "And the plants," adds a gleeful Sally.

But in spite of every one of Bobby's attempts at ecosystem destruction, the Earth simply adapts to the new conditions and regardless of the moisture level, continues to fill itself with a myriad of sometimes dangerous, always parasite-infested creatures.

Our Biosphere Zone is a narrow band of extremely precise conditions that are all critical to supporting life on Earth. Did you know your very existence relies upon the decay of dead plants and animals? You do now.

Every living thing depends upon a combination of other living things. Except for real estate developers, whose existence depends on taking the habitat of all these other living things, mashing it into a fine paste, and building condos and parking lots on top of it.

Plants and animals exist in specific environments that limit their range and behavior. For instance, the coyote and road runner seen in panel 4 exist solely in short animated films produced by Warner Brothers.

Climax Community! A private community for extemely friendly adults who are comfortable with their and each others bodies. Book a tour today and see if you'll "fit in" at Climax Community!

Early man had little effect on the world around him. Then Orgo there invented the axe and LOOK OUT, WORLD, it's GO TIME

As human population increased and forests were cleared for farms, this caused great changes in the animal community, namely Mister Bear, whose hide is now a warning for all his kind to "stay away from them dumpsters."

"How bad could it be," they said. "It's only a five percent grade," they said. Well, maybe some of those jerks who advised Fred to buy this stupid hobby farm should come out here and try to grow something on this mess!

Oh, you're saying this new lake covers up valuable wild life habitat? Check out Cindy there on the waterskis! THAT's the kind of wild life I'm talking about!

Modern industry creates large amounts of waste, seen here in the form of consignments of Beanie Babies, which are packaged and distributed across America.
(editor's note: it's 2024! Please change "Beanie Babies" to "Funko Pops," thanks)

Every day, somewhere in America, a citizen drowns in ten pounds of garbage.

Good news, UN demographers say the world population will peak at 10.4 billion in the year 2086, and will decline thereafter, for reasons they are suspiciously unforthcoming about. Anyway, until then, show up early for those picnics because tables will be hard to get!

Remember, people are the only creatures that can - and have - and will - bring about big and quick changes in the environment. Oh what's that? We needed to make sure these changes wouldn't make things worse? NOW you tell us!

Sure, we strip-mined two hundred thousand acres. Here's four trees!

Let's plan more carefully how and where we build our houses, so it takes us half an hour just to get out of our subdivision.

Keep wastes out of our lakes! Break into the Brady Bunch's back yard and plant some trees in that Astroturf! And hey, here's a tip for you Bio-Dome people - it takes 48 square yards of green plant leaves to supply oxygen for one person for one day. 48 square yards! So get planting in there.

Study the "Web Of Nature" carefully, and then tell those market research guys over there two ways in which "Madame Web" could have fostered a more interdependent relationship with moviegoers. Please?

A food chain is... trick question! A food chain could be all three of these things! Heck, see you later, I'm off to trademark "Food Chain" brand refrigerator locks!

Speaking of decaying plants and animals, YES Bob, your breath IS air pollution, brush your teeth already!

Is your lawn a vibrant, chemically enhanced, unnatural shade of green? Are your trees pruned within an inch of their lives? Have you room to start that vegetable garden you never stop talking about but have not actually gotten around to planting? Is there food and water for birds, and if so, do you really want a yard filled with sunflower seed hulls, bird poop, and angry squirrels? Could you recycle any trash, and if you live in Japan, are there legions of cranky old neighbor ladies ready to tell you how you're doing it wrong?

Talk to your parents about your findings and how to help improve your home. The best place for this conversation is, again, the Brady Bunch's back yard. Don't worry about Tiger, we haven't seen him in years.

This booklet has been brought to you by the Soil Conservation District of the New Jersey Department Of Agriculture. Our motto: "Help us, Iowa!"
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