Comic books, especially ones from decades past, are extremely understanding and compassionate on the subject of weight issues, especially pertaining to young women. Even future hellcat Patsy Walker weighs in (haha get it I'm so clever) on the topic.

This is a very real letter written by a very real man, probably a mostly real Stan Lee, in a very real Manhattan office building, about how hard it is as a fat gal to get boys interested in her, as personified by a telephone that is about to be snapped up by Spiderman.

First, we have to establish that this is a virtuous fatty, who cannot lose weight due to an endocrine disorder, so go ahead and order that cake, dear, may as well live it up!

OK, Holly, first off, the "I'll waddle over" line just comes off as snide and passive aggressive, like you just overheard Jean calling you fat 5 seconds before she saw you. Which maybe did happen off-panel! Would explain the dude's smirk in any case.

Holly's idea of a fun party is cornering a few suckers on the couch and doing an impression of a woman whose popularity peaked a good 25 years before this comic was published. Much like today's teens and their Tik Tok impersonations of Jewel, this remains a sure-fire path to popularity.

It may be less her weight and more that she looks a good 20 years older than everyone else, which would also explain the Sophie Tucker impersonations.

Good thinking Holly, a boy walking outside would have a much better chance of getting away when you start in on your Vaudeville impersonations.

She looks like she's about to realize that with great power comes great responsibility

Looks like Lampshade Holly's about to learn the concept of "sarcastic laughter".

He'd just moved to the neighborhood so he hadn't yet heard the warnings to not let Holly corner you or you'll have to hear her Belle Baker impression for a solid 3 hours.

So wait, she goes into the kitchen when the slow dancing starts because she's worried no one will ask her to dance, but now she's STAYING in the kitchen because... someone asked her to dance? Her problem isn't her weight, it's her fear of intimacy! So I guess she's meant to be a professional comedian after all.

Lookit that flop sweat goddamn. This is someone who is absolutely terrified of having a conversation with someone that doesn't involve one-liners and celebrity impressions.

I guess this early in the relationship she doesn't want to break it to him that she's Jewish.

And in true Stan Lee fashion, the moral of the story is crammed into an enormous word balloon that hovers ominously over the young couple like Googam, Son of Goom.

So she starts off her letter claiming nobody loves a fat gal, then ends it explaining that actually lots and lots of guys are loving this particular fat gal. Thanks for wasting everyone's time Holly, you could've just cut to the chase.

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