Hello fellow groovy kids! I understand today's youth is into taking "trips" on "acid" but as a hip, with-it horror host, I'm here to ask you: what if taking lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was NOT "out of sight" but was in fact a "bummer"? Have you ever thought of that? Hah? Well let me show you this terrifying tale of one youth just like yourself who found out the hard way!

Unfortunately for Joe here, it turns out the "it" his hippy friend is talking about is a "business get-together to talk about new opportunities for entrpreneurs" that's actually an MLM pitch session. Should've gone drinking Joe!

Please welcome Go Nagai, special guest artist on this guy's hair!
Seriously though, Joe looks like if Akira Fudo from Devilman mated with "Handsome Squidward".

Now this is what I call a rockin' party! This comic was definitely made by swinging hipsters and not middle aged men with a drinking problem.

So they just hand these lsd-laced sugar cubes out at the door? Is there a cover charge or...?

That's not the LSD, he somehow wandered into the Cosmic Bowling alley.

That's a bad trip, all right-- BAD ASS!

That is a human skull, so yes.

There's got to be a psychological explanation for misspelling the word "eerie" in a magazine published by Eerie Publications.

Nothing worse than hallucinating an Olympic diver getting riddled with machine gun bullets, bad trip indeed!

OK so he cut off his left hand with his right hand, but how did he nail it to the wall...???

Those cops must be so disappointed, they've got their billy clubs all ready to start beating up hippies, but the hippies (and the Olympic diver) are all ready dead.
Anyway, remember to stay off drugs, or else you might find yourself at a wild party where... people cut off their own heads? I'm not sure but I need to calm down with some nice laudanum.
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