HO HO HO HAPPY HOLI-DAYS EVERYONE! This week we'll have some fun with games, puzzles, comics, and things to make, like ballpoint lines around picture of Santa and random numbers over a boy's head! This is a Charlton comic, though, so don't get your hopes up too high.

A few days ago I saw a Tweet someone made stating that their friend's husband was being cured of cancer by taking apple-flavoured Ivermectin paste meant for horses. Upon questioning, she added that the husband was also taking his cancer medications as an afterthought. Anyway, I think the couple that Tweet was talking about are Santa and Mrs. Claus

The snow has made their journey difficult, can you help them find their way, or will the Tallar family, whoever they are, be forced to turn to cannibalism in their desperate bid for survival? This is all your fault, you and your stupid presents!

Santa's crude but effective murder trap almost claimed another victim.

Santa's double is a troubled hobo with no teeth and patches on his hat, so be careful! If you see him, call the police IMMEDIATELY, do not engage, repeat, do not engage!!

Here's Santa, risking his life to bring you still more presents, you vulture. Can you help him get safely to your house, or will he be doomed like your latest victims, the Tallar family?

Now we pause for the Reason for the Season, the birth of baby Jesus, as witnessed by two cavemen transported to biblical times from the neolithic era and forced to become shepherds.

Now because of woke, we give equal time to the story of Hanukah, or Chanukah, or Hanukkah but not Hanako, that's a girl's name. Thank goodness we now live in a more civilized era without all that horrific strife they used to have in the middle east.

Not pictured: Sugarplums.

And now for some classic literature, a new version of A Christmas Carol in which the Cratchit family simp inexplicably for Scrooge.

I hope ol' Ebeneezer's feeling especially generous, because calling him "Uncle Scrooge" is undoubtedly going to incur the wrath of the Walt Disney Company. But at least they have a delicious Simpsons-yellow turkey to enjoy.

Before dying from exposure trying to bring you your gifts, Santa collapsed under this tree by your house. Hurry and pick up your ill-gotten presents before they too succumb to the elements!

If you love working with the cheapest paper humanly imaginable, attempt to neatly cut out these illustrations on the dotted lines and bend them neatly into the described shapes. OR you could do something that won't drive you insane with frustration.

If you still have your wits about you, soothe your shattered nerves with some colouring; here's a snowscape scene to make it easier for you. Decorate your room with it, fold it up and wear it like a hat, or just crumple it up and throw it on the fire, whatever decision seems merriest to you! MEEERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS and Happy (C)Hanukah! And a delightful Kwanzaa too, while we're at it.
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