It's the week after Valentine's Day and that means discount chocolates, wilting flowers, the stuffed-animal detritus of many a failed proposal languishing in the snow-covered trash, and of course doomed romances from long-cancelled romance comics published by long-gone publishers (in this case Crestwood's Young Romance). So dig around in the couch cushions, maybe you can find a few of those chalky message-heart mints to go along with today's story!

Nancy's father left her with enough money to live a gay life of travel, fashion, and the best of everything, with enough left over to rub it in everyone's face a little.

Love 'em and leave 'em, that's Nancy's motto! If Bob DOES want to take this to a "serious" level, Nancy was thoughtful enough to dump him right next to the easily climbed guardrail of a cruise liner at sea. They'll never find you, Bob! Then they'll be sorry! That'll show 'em!

Must be real difficult for you, Nancy, attending all those swanky dances and dodging all those handsome men looking to put a ring on it. What a tragic life you lead.

If only Nancy could go somewhere that the eligible bachelors weren't already briefed on her fabulous life of wealth - wealth that they only know about because it's a thing Nancy won't shut up about. I mean, she even narrated a comic book story about it!

Determined to make a new start, Nancy moves from one East Coast metropolis to... another East Coast metropolis. Way to shake things up there Nance.

It's a meet-cute with Jerry from upstairs as they both agree that the best way to sell products is to make the public aware that products exist.

"Yes indeed, you have in fact taken the lipstick from the tube and applied it to your lips in the accepted fashion." The flirtatious banter between these two is off the charts!!

Like every true Bostonian, Nancy loves New York City and everything about it, she feels much more so alive being able to hurl invective at the Yankees on a more regular basis.

His specialty is eating. Her specialty is knowing which Arby's is the good Arby's.

Oh no, you never planned to kiss this guy you spend all your free time with. You aren't fooling anyone, lady!

There's only one cure for love, and that's marriage? If you have a particularly stressful ceremony and are completely incompatible as a couple, that would take care of that whole "love" business, I suppose. If only Nancy can keep herself from spilling the beans about her amazing wealth, or being absorbed by the "continued after next page" text!!

Whoops, Nancy spilled the beans about her amazing wealth. But Jerry will have none of Nancy's barrier-creating cash, preferring his own, superior, non-threatening-to-masculinity money.

BTW I gotta say I like this Paul Reinman artwork here, it alternates between blunt and subtle, gets a little sketchy in that late 1950s advertising-art style, makes me want to buy a new hi-fi, a hula hoop, and a car with giant tail fins.

Nancy never knew what happened at that meeting, which is wild, because here she is telling us about it, telling us how she's been lied to all this time about how much money she has, Mr. Prescott has been gaslighting the hell out of her, and Jerry is all like "great, let the gaslighting continue!!" Boy, if Nancy ever reads this comic, she is NOT going to be happy.

They say relationships should be built on trust and mutual respect, but what do they know? Jerry and Nancy are starting with a firm foundation of delusion, lies, and maybe a little negligent financial advice - in other words, the typical 1950s marriage. Congratulations, you two!

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