Are we really this desperate? Has it really come to this? ANOTHER grab-bag catch-as-catch-can mixed-nuts collection of various random comics panels and ad pages culled randomly from the leftover remnants of dozens of more coherent Stupid Comics features? Well, yes, yes, and yes. So sit back, relax, forget theme, narrative, and object permanence, and just let these images wash over you, depositing layer after sedimentary layer of that indescribable thing we call... Stupid Comics.

One of the things we love is seeing kids write on their comic book covers, and this one is no exception. This one is so unabashedly thrilled to be a part of things that it can barely contain its enthusiasm. Baseball! Apple Pie! Donald Duck! Walt Disney! Hot Dogs! They're all the best! Now number those nephews, and let's continue.

Isn't often you see an evil plan that hinges upon someone, uh, committing the sin of Onan in a swamp, but who says this isn't the Marvel age of cranking one out for the gators?

Noted Cartoon Woodpecker On Handgun Rampage - "They Had It Coming!" Claims Animated Bird

Oh, the A.I. Gang? We've met. How will you know when YOU meet one of the A.I. gang? They're the ones that won't stop talking about A.I.!

You'd be surprised at what policemen do, and how easily they get away with it.

Remember when little Arthur was locked in the supermarket? He was standing right next to the "Sale" sign - only forty nine cents a pound! Officer Brown would be foolish to pass up that kind of deal!

"Nearly got run over" is police talk for "I was doing seventy-five in a residential zone when I saw him." So, I see he's not wearing a collar or tags... here's a ticket. Thirty dollars or thirty days, kid!

"Your(sic) sick in the head" if you think a little thing like poison or Kryptonite death is going to put an end to the eternal rivalry between Lois and Lana!

This could be the year you get a Daisy! You have to be at least eight years old, though, the lever action on that "Spittin' Image" is pretty tough!

Jimmie wanted a BB gun more than anything. He and his friend Mike talked all the time about how great it would be if they had a BB gun. Lamps, windows, birds, each other, nothing would be safe from the sting of .177 Daisy "Sure Shot" BBs! And then the Jaycees came to town, ruining everything with all their talk about programs and safety and marksmanship and competitions.

Fill your children with a love of destruction AND a contempt for the upper classes with these fine playthings!

Let's see, the kids are raised to want to smash cars together, and then right when they get to high school, all the Driver's Ed programs get cancelled. Thank goodness for air bags and crumple zones!

The year 2525: the fervent hopes of generations of comic book nerds are realized as all physical sports are outlawed!

You know, I have a bunch of issues of Richie Rich Bank Books, most of which don't have extended reader commentary on the cover action, and yet I am still unclear on exactly what a "bank book" actually is.

Maybe a "bank book" was something like a primitive analog hand-written computer, the kind of thing we had to use before the invention of the TRS-80 Model 1 - that could perform complex calculations in mere hours - and the Tandy 1000 could run those numbers even faster. AND it has a "disk drive," to the delight of its operator!

Let Rosy Cheeked Tradwife here inspire YOUR children to major in STEM subjects so that they can contribute to progress! Progress, illustrated here by a guy fishing in a stream.

Yes, the Golden Keys of Liberty and Opportunity opened the doors for science and research that made America a world leader! Golden Keys may not be available to all Americans. Ask William Shockley about that one (he got really racist)!

Look, I'll probably say eight different things if you yank on MY leg eight times, too, does that make me a "kissable" gift?

Twleve women, no blood, no heads, who's 13? The future of demented math class word problems at stake!

What can I say, the ladies like the big squeaks!

These rock stars are wild riders, zipping through tunnels, crashing through walls, blowing stop signs and smashing into cars (Billy Idol), hitting flatbed trucks (Duane Allman), smashing into trees (Steven Tyler), getting hit by cars that run red lights (Billy Joel), and faking motorcycle accidents to chill out for a while (Bob Dylan)! Now your children can commemorate these horrific wrecks in toy form.

Set includes Chopper Cycle, T-Stick, Thrill Bar, DVD of the film "Stunt Rock," disabling injuries, and Percocet addiction. Helmet not included!

Don't just build a model kit - fall in love with it. Give it an affectionate nickname and a weirdly sexualized backstory. Then ask it to marry you (check out that ring!)

Over two million Cub Scouts mutilated their comic books and crossed the nation placing these door tags on the doorknobs of America, reminding them to get out and vote. How'd that all turn out anyways? Oh. I see.

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