As the saying goes, England and America are two nations divided by a common language. There's also an ocean in there somewheres. But the subtle differences in the way we both use English are never more apparent than when brought to light by the most scientific research tool known to man - comic books.

When American comics are reprinted in the UK, we'll typically see subtle changes in spelling to reflect different usage patterns. For instance, "airplane" becomes "aeroplane". Pardon me mater, I'm off to play the grawnd piano.

Spelling will change to reflect the fascinating British obsession with inserting the letter "u" in places not normally deemed appropriate, even if it means jamming the wourds out into the paneul bourdeurs.
But that's just dialog. What happens when American cartoon stars star in their own original British comics? Let's find out.

It's Hanna-Barbera's Fun Time Incorporating Yogi! Featuring all your favourite Hanna-Barbera cartoon stars, like the Flintstones! I wonder what they're up to today.

Though she looks like the same babbling infant we see in the American cartoons, apparently Pebbles is old enough to go to school and deal with homework. Fred's busy watching 'telly', however. I guess Kojak is on.

Educated British man tries to write dialog for modern stone-age family man, comes up with "what books of learning have you got in this joint?"

Not to worry, Fred's incompetence has caused severe brain injury and ruined the education of an entire community's children. But strangely articulate Pebbles can go out to play, so it's all good.

Meanwhile Quickdraw McGraw and Baba Looey are solving Wild West problems with "flapjack pancakes". Note the interesting use of authentic Wild West slang in this strip.

He's got a "wizard wheeze." No, it doesn't mean Gandalf has asthma. But it could.

Here we see Tweety Pie, Sylvester, and Grandma. Apparently Grandma is dressing up like a dog to enable her to smack Sylvester. Since she could easily smack Sylvester at any time - she's a human being and he's a cat, after all - I have to conclude that this is either some kind of twisted sex-deviant cosplay ritual they have going on, or that it's time to think about putting Grandma in a home.

Mr. Jinks gives us a great "Ooer", a wonderful British exclamation only seen in comics and Benny Hill-style comedy routines. Ooer!

And meanwhile in an alley across town, Top Cat... I mean, "Boss Cat", for some reason, is hanging out by the "dustbins".

Our "Boss Cat" story wraps up with what apparently is a giant talking Pez dispenser looking forward to watching some colour telly. WHY DID THEY CHANGE HIS NAME FROM TOP CAT TO... I just don't get it. Well, never mind, let's settle in on the couch for some telly. THE MUNSTERS and GET SMART are coming on!